— Here is the script to start building your first Telegram Bot!

————– continues HERE!

Next, I wanted to adjust how my bot looks and what it can do – at least on the surface. Back in the BotFather chat, type “/start” again and send it. You’ll see that list of commands come up. Type “/mybots” and send it. BotFather shows you every bot you’ve made. Mine was just “@MyProfitBot2025” since it’s the only one I’d set up. Click on that one – or tap it if you’re on your phone. A menu pops up with options like “Edit bot” and “Bot settings.” I went with “Edit bot” to tweak a few things. You can change the name here if you’re second-guessing it. Then there’s a description field. I typed “A bot to help you earn money automatically” so anyone chatting with it knows what it’s about. You can also add a picture.

After that, I went back to the menu and picked “Edit commands.” This is where you decide what your bot can respond to. I wanted it to have some basic options, so I typed “/start – Start the bot” and hit enter. Then I added “/help – Get help” on the next line, and “/earn – Learn how to earn” on the one after that. Each line is a command, followed by a dash, then a short explanation. When someone types “/” in your bot’s chat, these show up as suggestions they can click. I sent that list to BotFather, and it saved them.

Now, create a file for your code. I named mine “profitbot.py” and opened it in a text editor. I use VS Code because it’s free and helps keep things organized, but Notepad works too if that’s what you’ve got. Start by typing “from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler” and hit enter. This pulls in the tools we need from the library. On the next line, type this. 

(show “updater = Updater(‘your-key-here’)” –  editor, replace “your-key-here” with that API key from BotFather)

That line links your code to your bot. Now, let’s make it do something simple. Type this in and hit enter. 

(use this: “def start(update, context):”) 

On the next line, type this. 

(use this: “update.message.reply_text(‘Bot is active—let’s make some money!’).” 

This sets up the “/start” command to send a message back when someone uses it. Then add this on the next line. 

(use: “updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler(‘start’, start))”)

That tells the bot to use the function we just made. Finish with this on one line. 

(use: “updater.start_polling()”) 

And this on the next.

(use: “updater.idle()”) 

These keep the bot running and listening. Save the file wherever you want – I put mine on my desktop.

To test it, open your terminal again. You need to get to where your file is saved. If it’s on your desktop, type “cd Desktop” and hit enter. Then type “python profitbot.py” and hit enter. The code starts running – it might not show much in the terminal, but it’s active. Go to Telegram, find your bot, then type “/start.” It should reply “Bot is active – let’s make some money!” That means it’s working. The problem is, if you close your terminal or turn off your computer, the bot stops. For it to run on autopilot, you need a server. I used Heroku because it’s free for small projects. 

Go to heroku.com, sign up, and create a new app. Give it a name and follow their steps to upload your “profitbot.py” file. You’ll need to install their command-line tool and type a few commands, but their site explains it all. Once it’s up on Heroku, your bot runs 24/7 without your computer.

Now, how does this bot actually make money? I played around with a few ideas that felt practical. One is affiliate marketing. You can add a command like “/deals” where the bot sends links to products or services. In your code, after the “start” function, add this 

(use: “def deals(update, context):”) 

And then this. 

(use: “update.message.reply_text(‘Check out this tool: [your-affiliate-link]’).”)
Replace that placeholder ‘your affiliate link’ with a real affiliate link – say, to a business software or a career course. If someone clicks and buys, you get a commission. For business professionals, this could be a tool like Trello or Slack they’d use anyway.

To add your AFFILIATE LINKS, continue to follow the video